Trauma Therapy

Is A Traumatic Experience Depriving You Of Your Sense Of Peace?

  • Do you ever feel like your mind and body are silently sounding an alarm despite the presence of any threat?

  • Are you so busy battling negative, catastrophic thoughts about what may happen next that you are unable to take a moment to breathe and relax?

Perhaps you are constantly worried about being attacked, injured, or abandoned, and thus, you do not feel safe even in your most intimate relationships.

Or maybe you have come to realize that you have lived with trauma or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) far too long, and you are finally ready to liberate yourself with the help of counseling.

Trauma And PTSD Can Wear Away At You Day By Day

Over time, the pain of your trauma can slowly erode relationships, careers, and even your physical health in various ways.

For instance, you may be…

  • irritable, moody, over-reactive, anxious, or depressed.

  • easily frightened, startled, or moved to anger.

  • physically exhausted and emotionally depleted.

  • struggling with insomnia, eating right, or focusing.

  • experiencing nightmares or hyper-focusing on the past.

In the course of time, you may even blame yourself for your emotions, your traumatic experience, and how it affects others.

However, you do have allies who understand. With the help of a skilled and compassionate trauma therapist, it is possible for you to learn to live with greater courage, confidence, and peace of mind.

Have any questions? Send us a message!

Trauma And PTSD Affect The Lives Of People Worldwide

woman looking at the ocean

Regardless of age, gender, background, or belief system—trauma can affect anyone. Although not everyone who experiences (or witnesses) something traumatic will develop PTSD, painful thoughts, emotions, and memories of that event can compromise nearly every aspect of a person’s life.

Because only a fraction of those affected ever seek treatment, you likely know someone who is silently struggling with trauma or PTSD behind the scenes of their otherwise “normal” life.

Most of us are familiar with the typical causes of trauma, such as:

  • Severe injuries or medical diagnoses

  • Physical assault or combat experience

  • Loss of a child, spouse, parent, or sibling

However, trauma and PTSD can also result from a string of events or prolonged exposure to toxic environments or stressors, such as childhood neglect, bullying, rejection, public humiliation, or emotional abuse.

Overcoming Trauma Or PTSD Without Help Can Be Very Difficult

Trauma makes it easy to get lost in the whirlwind of negative thoughts and emotions.

The numbness can deprive you of hope. Fear and isolation can slowly erode your emotional support network. And painful reminders, memories, and triggers keep you anchored in the past, unable to actualize change even if you knew how to make yourself feel better.

Fortunately, trauma therapy can help you find clarity amid the chaos, enabling you to heal and finally move forward with your life. Though it may be hard to believe—it is possible to feel safer, more grounded, and capable of navigating this world without fear.

Trauma Therapy Offers You The Opportunity To Reclaim Your Life

woman in nature doing yoga

Most people who are considering counseling for trauma worry that they will become overwhelmed or have to relive the worst moments of their life. However, our job as therapists is to make sure that does not happen.

Regardless of your situation, we will provide you with a place where you can let your guard down, tell your story, and finally begin the healing you deserve.

Perhaps the most valuable part of trauma therapy is knowing you have someone at your side who will listen and help bear the weight of your experience. In that spirit, it is important that you understand you are not damaged or broken and that the pain you feel can be resolved.

Effective Trauma and PTSD Treatment Approaches

Our therapists are trained in a variety of different evidence-based therapeutic methods that can be tailored to your unique needs. Throughout sessions, we will focus on:

  • Understanding the root of your trauma and how it is impacting you on a physical, emotional, and mental level

  • Identifying limiting patterns in your life and exploring new possibilities for coping with your trauma symptoms

  • Addressing negative self-beliefs and other obstacles produced by your struggles

To achieve this, we first want to give you the time and space to share your story. In particular, we would like to know: Has your experience been influencing your relationships? Are there specific reminders or stressors that transport you back into the past? What kind of goals do you have for therapy and what do you ultimately want your life to look like?

What You Can Expect In Ongoing Sessions

Above all, we want you to be able to fully express yourself. That is why we will teach you valuable coping skills for regulating emotions so that, if we do touch a sensitive spot, you will have the tools to stay grounded and in control of your feelings.

Considering that underlying factors may be complicating your experience, we will eventually want to explore aspects of your past that can help us develop a treatment plan that is right for you. This could include your upbringing, childhood relationships, teen years, or any family history of trauma. And while talking about the past is important, we will always proceed at your own pace and discuss only the topics with which you feel comfortable.

We know it may be difficult to reach out for help, but you are on the cusp of discovering a brand new life for yourself: one filled with hope, confidence, and an enduring sense of safety and peace.

Perhaps You Are Considering Trauma Therapy, But You Still Have Some Concerns…

  • We are here to help you feel better. Thus, anything that makes you feel worse actually runs against the grain of what we are trying to do. If ever you do not feel ready or capable of discussing something, we will stop and take another route.

    Therapy is about your personal journey to healing, not about being sticklers who adhere to a specific routine for treatment. Whatever path is best for you, we will help you find a direction that puts you on your way to healing.

  • First and foremost, we will never judge or look down on you—you are a survivor and you deserve to be looked up to. Secondly, the fear, self-blame, or shame you feel is probably a direct result of the wounds that you have endured. And we deeply empathize with your experience.

    Trauma treatment is not just about moving forward with the future, it is about understanding, processing, and finally reconciling the past so you are no longer subject to its power. And that includes freeing yourself from feelings of guilt, judgment, and shame.

  • Trauma and PTSD change a person on a neurological level. Trying to think your way out of it is like attempting to use a broken compass to find due north in a blizzard. When trauma has jolted your life, it is as if your circuitry has become scrambled and it is a challenge to go anywhere but in circles.

    Trauma counseling, in some ways, is like having an opportunity to fix your compass, find direction, and finally start taking steps to move ahead. Most of the time, that journey is made exponentially easier by working with a professional who has the experience, desire, and will to walk with you through the storm until you feel safe.

Discover That A New Life Is Within Your Reach

If you are ready to stop carrying the weight of the past and letting it suppress you, trauma therapy can help you discover a new life of freedom and peace. Please feel free to contact us to see how trauma and PTSD treatment can help you. 


Trauma Therapy 

San Francisco

80 Alta St

San Francisco, CA 94133